We're putting WHAT in our vaginas?

Periods | LJ | 6 Minute Read
Queen victoria used to soak tampons in opioids to help deal with menstrual cramps, meaning her pussy was fully lost in the sauce. Let's take a leaf out of her book.

We're putting WHAT in our vaginas?

Periods | LJ | 6 Minute Read
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Most women will go through hellish period cramps at some point in their lives, some worse than others.

We all have that one friend whose cramps so bad she can't move, texting anyone who recently had dental surgery in hopes of something stronger than paracetamol.

The way we see it, period cramps are part of the deal when your body is a human incubator.

Can we stop period cramps? Surely something could make them better.

Enter CBD:

CBD stands for ‘cannabinoid' a type of chemical found in cannabis. If you're wondering if you get waved from a CBD tampon, the answer is no. While some CBD products contain trace amounts of THC, it’s rare for it to show up on a drug test. It depends on the product’s quality and composition, though.

CBD tampons contain naturally occurring cannabinoid, which is a part of the hemp plant. Other than that, they look and feel the same as your standard tampon. The important difference is that CBD tampons are reported to offer sweet, sweet pain relief.

Daye’s CBD tampons are on the super-strength side of period care products already on the market, using 30 per cent full-spectrum CBD to fight off period cramps, the strongest in the UK market. Regular over-the-counter painkillers can help to get rid of period cramps, but could using CBD be more effective for some? As your vaginal canal has the highest concentration of cannabinoid receptors, it is the fastest way to absorb CBD into the bloodstream. Goodbye paracetamol and a whole bar of Dairy Milk, and hello CBD.


Daye has conducted some sciencey lab tests in accordance with the criteria set out by the European Medicines Agency and The US Food and Drug Administration.

These tests confirmed that their CBD Tampons:

- Do not increase the risk of TSS (toxic shock syndrome).

- Do not disrupt the vaginal microbiome and pH levels.

- Do not cause vaginal irritation or tearing.

- Do not cause UTIs or infections.


Daye believes in implementing radical transparency at all stages of the business process, including their tampon manufacturing.

They believe that ‘customers should be given the tools to make informed choices based on their values and standards’, which we totes agree with - since tampons end up in your vagina, it’s good to know where they’ve come from.

Daye spent a lot of time developing their in-house CBD coating process to figure out not only how much CBD is needed on each tampon to make it bioavailable in the body (30% potency) but also how to coat them as efficiently as possible.

Since tampons are meant to absorb liquid, you can’t just add a few drops of low-concentration CBD oil to them and expect that to work – despite what you may have read on the internet!


“There is evidence that CBD could act specifically to decrease inflammation without the side effects of traditional anti-inflammatory medications” explained Dr. Jenna Flanagan.

This is because CBD doesn’t include all the properties of other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (like Ibuprofen), which can irritate the stomach lining.

Speak to your health care provider if you have any questions or concerns about CBD products, and if you experience any reactions to CBD, then reach out to a medical professional immediately.

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