…Is it time to run a half marathon?

Isobel | Wellness | 3 Minute Read

…Is it time to run a half marathon?

Isobel | Wellness | 3 Minute Read
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Your feed is filled with the marathons, the hardest geezer, and the people who run 10 miles before work. Show offs! Seriously, who isn’t running at the moment?

If you’re reading this you (like me) are probably not a runner. However, there is something fizzing inside me as I approach my thirtieth year on this earth that is telling me that it’s time. 

Should you do it – is it time to start running? Is it peer pressure? Is it the noticeable twinge in your lower back, or the sudden comprehension of your own mortality?

Where do you find the motivation, discipline to push yourself out of your comfort zone? 

Here’s the method I’m going for. (I’m not going to tell you to join a run club to make friends, although you can absolutely do that if you want.)

Sign up for a race. I am motivated by time-limited pressure. Registering for a race several months away for me is a challenge - what do you mean I can’t just smash out the training the week before? It gives you a firm deadline to train towards. 

Find an accountability partner. My siblings and I are all running a 10 mile race at the end of the year. The Strava sharing is really forcing me to get my shoes on. 

Track your progress. I need to see, feel and be motivated by progress. I can’t go on aimless walks. I need a destination.

Buy yourself some nice gear. I’m team ‘’all the gear and no idea’’ but fuck it. Do what makes you feel good.

Make a banging playlist. Whack on all those cringey 2010s club classics featuring Tinie Tempah and enjoy.

Switch up times and locations. Go out at lunchtime at work to avoid small talk and look super impressive in front of your colleagues!! Go in the morning and feel smug when you’ve done your run before work so you can tell everyone about it!! The running world is your smug oyster.

Remember how you feel after a run. Focus on the sense of accomplishment, clear mind, and energy boost. It won’t happen every time and it won’t work straight away. 

Start small. Take it easy! You don’t have to ‘’easily be able to run 5k’’. Run 3k or even 1k!! Who gives a shit just do your thing.

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